JavaScript (web)

The Client Side JavaScript SDK to use in your application running in the browser.


$ npm install --save @progressively/sdk-js


Create an SDK instance

import { Progressively } from "@progressively/sdk-js";

const options = {
  apiUrl: "your url server",
  websocketUrl: "your url server for websockets",

const sdk = Progressively.init("YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_CLIENT_KEY", options);

The options object can also receive other (optional) attributes such as fields and initialFlags

fields is an option that allows passing data about your users to restrain the audience eligibility. For instance, you can set an email field, and in Progressively's dashboard, you can create a rule that only targets people that matches that field:

const options = {
  apiUrl: "your url server",
  websocketUrl: "your url server for websockets",
  fields: {
    email: "",

initialFlags is an option that is mostly used for server-side rendering. You should not directly use it in your code, except if you are building a server integration that does not yet.

Load the flags


Listen to WebSockets updates

sdk.onFlagUpdate((nextFlags) => {}, optionalUserId);

Disconnect the WebSockets


Last updated